
Human Resourcing, Head Hunting for Management Levels

Human Resourcing, Head Hunting for Management Levels

Human Resourcing, Head Hunting for Management Levels

SCOPE BROTHERS gives perfect recruitment services for automotive companies. It finds candidates for all levels in the company. Then it makes interviews to filter till finding the exact candidates who matches with the searched position and also matches with the client’s company culture. If the client prefers to make the latest interviews with final candidates, then SCOPE BROTHERS arranges that interviews online or face to face meetings in any prefered place or in SCOPE BROTHER’s offices. SCOPE BROTHER also can search and find high level position candidates by its own head hunting method. SCOPE BROTHERS also gives services to its client’s by hiring itself and renting to the client to test or to continue with the employee in that way by not taking a risk in a different country while testing the targeted market.